Food route app

food route presentation cover image


The scope of this app is to help users who love food tourism to create a route based on food. Users that have a long trip can find available food stops and plan their journey and stops based on the app’s recommendations. Reviews and recommendations are the most important part of this app. Users should be able to search easily the route they are interested in and see suggestions.

food route mockup

Use Case

Sign up

Sign up, view other user’s suggestions and
availiable food stops and create your own route.

food route sign up screens
food route search screans


Type the starting address and final destination
and see restaurants you can visit on your way.
See details and add the ones you like to your
route. You can also explore routes from other users
and see what they have to say for their experiences.

Create your food route

Describe your experience, add photos and reviews
and suggest it to others.
Help people discover unique places and enjoy
quality food.

food route main screens

Design Case Study

User research


Who will use the app?
People who like to travel and eat tasty, local food.

What will users accomplish with this app?
People who travel will discover new tastes and authentic, non touristic places to eat.

When will users use the app?
Whenever they travel.

Where will users use the app?
Users will engage with the app mostly via their phones and tablets, while they are travelling. They could also prepare their
route at home, using their computer.

Why would people use this app?
This app helps tourists to discover “hidden” places with really good, local food. They can discover places that locals eat
and live the same experience. They can also design a route based on specific “food stops”.

How users will accomplish their goals?
Users can choose between a single area they are interested in or make a route. In any case they can read reviews from l
ocals and other travellers and make their choices.


I hypothesise that people often get exploited when visiting restaurants in the vicinity of landmark locations. The food quality
can be below expectations and/or the prices are too high. They would rather discover affordable new tastes and experience
the authentic local cuisine.


Face to face and Skype interviews.
1. How often do you travel?
2. Do you use the web while travelling? Which apps/ websites are your favourite?
3. What are the most important aspects you consider when travelling?
4. Did you enjoy your food last time you travelled in a new place? Why?
5. What are the most important aspects you consider when choosing a place to eat?
6. What is something you think a travel app should always have?
7. Do you think this app would be useful for you? Why?


Food seems to be an important aspect of travelling. Travellers want to try new tastes and discover the culture of a place
through food. Maps and reviews are the most important things for them in a travelling app. So I think that such an app
would be very useful for them.



3 Personas

User Stories

Route Finder

  • As a user, I want to be able to search a route without signing in.
  • As a user, I want to have the option for multiple stops search.
  • As a user, I want to choose the transport mean I want to use.
  • As a user, I want to use a distance filter.
  • As a user, I want to have the choice to avoid tolls.
  • As a user, I want to sign up for an account in order to see the routes
    I have created and also suggest my routes to others.


  • As a user, I want to see the routes I’ve chosen.
  • As a user, I want to be able to suggest a route.

My routes

  • As a user, I want to edit my routes easily.

Delete account

  • As a user, I want to be able to delete my account.

Search result

  • As a user, I want to see all the possible stops of the route I’ve chosen, on a map.
  • As a user, I want to see details of my results.
  • As a user, I want to see suggestions from other users.
  • As a user, I want to know the duration of every route.

Possible Stop

  • As a user, I want to see reviews from other users, about the possible stop.
  • As a user, I want to be able to see my routes easily.
  • As a user, I want to add a stop to my route easily.


  • As a user, I want to see the suggested route, on a map.
  • As a user, I want to see a description from the user who did the suggestion.
  • As a user, I want to be able to share my routes and suggested routes.


User Flow

food route flow


wireframes image

Style Guide


food route fonts


food route app colors


food route icons

Final Screens

final app screens image

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